The entrance to the house faced the old Mito road(Koganeshuku dori).昭和33年頃 裏庭での麦の脱穀作業。右手にあるのはモーター式の脱穀機です。
Around 1958 Threshing wheat in the backyard. On the right is a motorized thresher.馬の蹄鉄を再利用して物干し竿(竹)掛けにしていました。
Horseshoes were reused to hang clothesline bamboos.裏庭の藁ぼっち
Piles of straw in the back yard
This house was built in 1884 and was used until 1969. When it was built, thatched roofs were the norm and houses with tiled roofs were rarely seen.
Usually, the shoji screened side door (the part behind the tree in the center of the top photo) was used as the door-way. The doors including the board part were designed to be lifted up, so luggage could be carried into the house on a dolly.
In the back yard, there were piles of threshed straw assembled like thatched roof. In this way, the straw could be stored outdoors for a long time.
The thin white lines extending vertically in the photos are the antennas for the ore radio that Hiroshi used.