① 小金きよしヶ丘3丁目(現在の松屋北小金店付近)から二ツ木方面を見渡した景色です。 This is the view from Kogane Kiyoshigaoka 3-chome (near the current location of Matsuya, a beef bowl shop) looking toward Futatsugi. ② 現在タカラスタンダード松戸ショールームがある辺りから根木内交差点方向を写したものです。現在は、左手の松林の場所が星乃珈琲店、道路をはさんでその反対側が一本松公園、中央奥の森が根木内歴史公園になっています。
This photo was taken from the area where the Takara standard’s Matsudo showroom is now located, looking toward the Negiuchi intersection. The pine forest on the left is now the Hoshino Coffee Shop, the other side of the road is the Ipponmatsu Park, and the forest in the center is the Negiuchi Historical Park.③ 常磐線の跨線橋付近から根木内交差点方向に向かって写したものです。狩野川台風の被害で法面が崩れています。正面が分断された根木内城跡で、左側は現在根木内歴史公園になっています。
This picture was taken from near the Joban Line overpass, looking toward the direction of the Negiuchi intersection. The slopes were collapsed due to damage from Typhoon Ida. The frontal woodlands are the remains of Negiuchi Castle, which had been split apart. The left side is now the Negiuchi Historical Park.④ 常磐線の跨線橋を越えて南柏方面に向かって写した写真です。カーブの右側が現在ロイヤルガーデンパレス 柏 日本閣がある辺りです。
This photo was taken after crossing the Joban Line overpass, looking toward Minami Kashiwa. The area to the right of the curve is where the Royal Garden Palace Kashiwa Nihonkaku now stands.⑤ ④の写真の中央あたり、向かって左側の木々の先にはこのようなのどかな光景が広がっていました。右側が名都借(なづかり)、左側が前ヶ崎です。
Beyond the center left trees of photo④ was a peaceful scene like this. On the right is Nazukuri, and on the left is Maegasaki.
These photos were taken around 1958. Most of the roads at that time were paved with concrete instead of asphalt paint. The traffic was so light that Hiroshi had to wait almost an hour to take a picture of a car.
① ② ③