動植物 Plants and Animals

動植物 Plants and Animals 動植物 Plants and Animals


Hiroshi also took pictures of flowers and other creatures that caught his eye while bird watching and walking. He sometimes went out for the purpose of seeing rare flora and fauna.

動植物 Plants and Animals

動物(哺乳類・爬虫類・両生類) Animals (mammals, reptiles, and amphibians) 

ニホンノウサギ? Japanese hare?ニホンイタチ Japanese weasel / Mustel...
動植物 Plants and Animals

昆虫(トンボいろいろ) Insects (various dragonflies)

ヤマトタマムシ Japanese Jewel Beetle / Chrysochroa fulgidissi...
動植物 Plants and Animals

野の花 Flowers in the field

ミズバショウ Asian Skunk Cabbage / Lysichiton camtschatcensi...
動植物 Plants and Animals

サイカチ Japanese honey locust / Gleditsia japonica
